在非新加坡公约国家运用马来西亚中国商业调解中心规则执行调解和解协议 / Enforcement of Mediation Settlement Agreements in Non Singapore Convention Countries Using Malaysia China Business Mediation Center Rules
MCBMC规则对于在非新加坡公约国家执行调解和解协议非常实用。 各方可在其合同调解条款中自由采用MCBMC的规则,并无需使用MCBMC或其调解员小组的服务。
US, China, India and 5 out of 10 ASEAN countries (ie Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Laos and the Philippines) were among the signatories of the UN Singapore Convention on Enforcement of International Mediation Settlement Agreements at the signing ceremony in Singapore on 7 August 2019.
Europe, Japan and the rest of Asean have yet to sign the Singapore Convention so there is much work to be done and time needed before more countries become signatories.
The rules of the Malaysia China Business Mediation Center (MCBMC was set up by Malaysian Bar Council and CCPIT in 2017) In Kuala Lumpur allows a Mediation Settlement Agreement to be enforced via an arbitral award which is enforceable in 160 New York Convention countries.
MCBMC Rules will be very useful for enforcement of Mediation Settlement Agreements in non-Singapore Convention countries. Parties are free to adopt the MCBMC Rules in their contract mediation clauses without the need to use the services of MCBMC or its panel of mediators.